Jonathan Martineau: What Capitalism Does to Time
Une conférence de Jonathan Martineau, «temps et capitalisme», en anglais (mais vous pouvez lire son livre, «L’ère du temps», paru chez Lux).
QUAND: 8 décembre à 16 h
OÙ: Critical Social Theory at McGill, 855 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal
« What Capitalism Does to Time: Work and Leisure Time in the Context of Globalized Market Temporalities »
Please circulate widely to all networks!
Critical Social Theory at McGill is delighted to present Prof. Jonathan Martineau. He currently teaches at Concordia University and at Université du Québec à Montréal. He has published Marxisme anglo-saxon. Figures contemporaines (Montréal, Lux, 2013), Time, Capitalism and Alienation / L’ère du temps (Brill, 2015 / Lux, 2017), as well as many articles and translations that specialize in social theory and social time studies.
This event is sponsored by Critical Social Theory at McGill. Please join our mailing list to receive news of upcoming events at http://www.mcgill.ca/
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