Foreign Rights
Mitchell Dean is a Professor of Public Governance at the Copenhagen Business School and a social and political theorist and historical and political sociologist of wide reputation.
Michel Cordillot teaches History at the University Paris 8.
Mathieu Léonard est l’auteur de L’émancipation des travailleurs. Une histoire de la Première Internationale (La fabrique, 2011) et a participé au mensuel CQFD. Il est aussi vigneron en vin naturel.
Engagé depuis plusieurs années dans le mouvement libertaire, Mathieu Houle-Courcelles travaille actuellement comme responsable des dossiers politiques pour un comité logement de la région de Québec.
Mateo Alaluf is a professor of sociology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and specializes in questions related to work and labour.
Martin Gibert teaches Moral Philosophy at University of Quebec in Montreal. He is also the director of the animalist magazine Versus, and the author of L’imagination en morale (Hermann, 2015).
Marie-Christine Lévesque has worked as an editor and a freelance publicity writer.
Ludovic Lamant is a member of the editorial board of the independent news site Mediapart. From 2012 to 2017 he was the Brussels-based correspondent and covered the European and Spanish crises.