Dahlia Namian is a sociologist. She teaches at the School of Social Work at the University of Ottawa. Her research focuses on poverty and exclusion.

La société de provocation
Essai sur l'obscénité des riches
240 pages
Released: 02 March 2023
While migrants are forced to wander in camps or to sink into the sea, bitcoin traders and libertarian pirates improve the art of flight and take refuge on their megayachts, their artificial islands, or in phallic-shaped rockets. While the earth is burning, Elon Musk launches a car into space and dreams of colonizing Mars. While the price of basic commodities continues to rise, the food industry boosts its profits and, on TV, chefs are celebrated for turning peasant cooking into gourmet cuisine.
Stunned by the prestidigitations of the ultra-rich, we watch in amazement as they squander the planet's resources. In his novel «White Dog», Romain Gary calls «society of provocation» this social order in which the exhibition of wealth elevates into virtue excess and ostentatious luxury while depriving an increasingly large part of the population of the means to satisfy their basic needs.
This scathing pamphlet enumerates and analyzes the thousand ways in which the ultra-rich can harm us, and invites us to break with this society of provocation.